I thank this color is better for right now.
I just don't thank the hole black goth looking color goes good with the pics of babes and people talking about babes. if some one can give me a better color template that you would like me to use just postt the colors on here or some thing i dont like the colors i have now but it is better then the black
o yeah jeff i finaly have fast inter net 100.0 mbps cable inter net at my moms it is like 30 dollars
and i want to copy some dvds to a computer of mine what is a good program that will copy them and then make them smaller like avi's or some thing like that even 2 program would be better then geting all these dam dvd imags things lol and do you have a server up or any thing like that.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
color changed
Posted by
Glenn Clark
10:52 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
I have been busy and kind of sad lately
Hunter still ain't pushing him self up with his arms or even starting to crawl. he will be 2 for he can walk since he has a chromosome disorder Tetrasomy 18 p so we have been taking many visits to Iowa city hospital thank good the visits have calmed down we have like 2 months be for we go to Iowa city again they are thanking about operating on his finger and trying to see if the can fix it. He can only straighten it out so much. and we all ready went up there to Iowa city to have his spine checked thank god it is fine. i would like to see the babys some time and you guys can meat Hunter Thomas Riley Clark in a couple of days he will be 8 months old.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
11:15 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
And then he smiled and everything was right in the world!!
Lately things have been a bit tough. I have really been getting down on myself a lot lately, thinking that I am doing a really horrible job as a mom. I mean, it's seriously the most important thing that you will do in your life.
Today I was holding Bastien and he spit up...big surprise. So I grabbed a spit rag and wiped his mouth off. He was wide awake after that so I started my usual thing, asking him what he was doing and saying hi in that high pitched "parentese" that every person on the face of the planet does to babies!
Next thing I know Bastien starts grinning and wrinkling his nose. I figure it's just gas, but I keep playing with him. He keeps grinning everytime I play with him a bit. Finally, he grins real big and giggles a tiny bit!! I couldn't believe it!! I was so happy I called Jei and then my sister and mom!! lol
Now we just have to work on Elora and we will have two smiling babies!!! YAY!
Posted by
7:11 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Fences make bad friends
I have not wrote anything in a while so I figured i'd share my recent "accident".
We where all over at my moms for a cook-out (remember those glenn?) and Kat and I started rough housing - actually she was trying to spray me with soda. And I started running away.
I had the bright idea to try to jump over the fence. Something I have done several times before.
About half way through the jump I realize I jumped too soon and I was not going to make it. Just at that moment I felt my foot catch the fence, and next thing I know I hear a loud crack sound and i'm in pain...LOTS OF PAIN.
I grab my arm (broken 3 times) to make sure its ok. Good it is. Then I realize my shoulder hurts a lot and my arm does not move like it should. I go inside and lay down to try to calm myself down a bit, after a while everyone tells me I might have dis-located my shoulder.
I have no insurance so of course I did not go to the dr. instead I drove back home to quincy, sat on the couch with a heating pad, and figured as long as I can move my fingers and hand i'm fine.
I even helped a little with the babies, and now change diapers.
Two days later and my arm still can't move out to the side, but straight out in front works fine, so i figure another week or so and i'll be fine.
So just remember, the next time you want to do something, ask yourself.... Is this a good idea.
Posted by
12:59 PM