Sunday, April 1, 2007

more pics of hunter

He is licking me.
He licks every thing that touches his mouth.
I guess because of the salt.
I never thought I would love somthing so much.
But I love him more then any thing else even his mommy.

What are you looking at dad?

Hunter and his cat.

Hunter with his pants on his head again.

I know dad gets bored doesint he?

Dad i am bored of these toys.

Two of my favorite people.

Now that is pure love.
I tell ariana that hunter is her live baby doll.

He is so cute when he sleeps.

His little monkey feet.
He can even spread his toes and curl them in at the same time.

1 comment:

jei said...

Thats awsome, he kinda looks like you too just less facial hair.