Well i got to see him two differnt days. and every thing went fine with me seeing him she is finding some one else i am just sitting here be lonely and bored out of my mine
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
me and leeann is broke up
july 16
she said that she wanted to find some one else and she did not want to go out any more that is about all she said and i tryed to call her house and she wont answer the phone for 2 days now to day july 18 i called her mom and her moms bf got on the phone and said that i cant see hunter tell i pay child suport but i have not gotany papers telling me that i have to pay it or any thing like that.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
10:50 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Spoiled Computer users = People I hate.
Even though this won't reach too many people I figured i'd vent a little about it anyways.
I have seen a lot of sub-pc/ notebook computer being released this year. These are basically low cost low power computers that are designed for basic computer use.
Although most are capable of performing just about any task you'd usually do, these machines have lower cpu power, smaller storage space and less memory than say your store bought pc.
I have seen soo many people complain because these machines don't come with windows vista, or XP, or run windows at all (linux). Or they don't have a cd-rom drive or huge hard drive.
People fail to see things for what they where built for, and for what they could be used for.
The link above is to the most recent articale I read and commented on.
Its not the latest and greatest machine, but it has more power then most of the computer customers bring in to my shop for repair, and those customers have been getting along just fine without a 3+ghz cpu, and a 256mb video card.
Uses for older / less powerfull machines:
Great computers for kids cheaper means less worry about them breaking
arcade machine, install mame and download some roms and play video games all day long
thin client, manage hundreds of computers from one location and give everyone fully loaded desktops without having to use a harddrive
clusters chain several older machines together and combine their power to perform large tasks such as 3d rendering, folding @ home, seti @ home etc
Web browser and email machine. Most people don't use their computer for any but this. Why waste a powerfull computer on it.
vnc client, administer every computer you have by installing vnc on them and using the sub pc to connect to the desktops
security auditing. install backtrack to flash drive, hard drive or cd drive and test your network security and wifi security with these lower power machines.
kiosk: take it apart or just slap it into a stand, attach a monitor and display company info, advertising, or usefull information for customers on your home built kiosk.
loaner machine. Give customers and family something to use while you fix their computer
the list can go on and on. People have gotten so spoiled by high priced over-powered computers now days is sickening. I don't know how many times I have told a customer that just because a new version of windows comes out does not mean you have to go out and spend the money for a new computer just to run it. ESPECIALLY YOU TARDS WHO ONLY USE E-BAY.
The ONLY reason you need a high-end pc is if you are a GAMER! nothing else. most mid range to low end pc's will run office software and other programs.
Also people need to learn about Open Source alternatives to these expensive M$ junk.
Use OpenOffice instead of M$ office
Gimp instead of photoshop
and again the list can go on.
Thats my 2 cents, and i'm not changing my mind.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Posted by
Glenn Clark
8:54 PM