Wednesday, July 18, 2007

me and leeann is broke up

july 16
she said that she wanted to find some one else and she did not want to go out any more that is about all she said and i tryed to call her house and she wont answer the phone for 2 days now to day july 18 i called her mom and her moms bf got on the phone and said that i cant see hunter tell i pay child suport but i have not gotany papers telling me that i have to pay it or any thing like that.


jei said...

Thats complete crap dude. Unless you have court order saying you can't see him, you can.

I'd get a hold of a lawyer and talk with them. Take her to court if needed, child support is determined by a judge not the parents. Sorry to hear about it man, you guys seamed like things where going really good.

Kat said...

I completely agree with jei!

There is no way she can do that to you!!

Call a lawyer and see if you can get free consultation or something like that. Find out what you can do, being Hunter's biological father, I am sure things will work. Jei is also right about the judge being the final say in the child support area. A lot more fathers are getting custody also.

My thoughts are with you!!

Glenn Clark said...

thank you both.

Kat said...

No problem and keep us posted, we only wish the best for you!!!