It seams now is a good time to pick this project back up (Since everyone keeps saying how bored they are). Kat and myself have been talking about making a new game for a few weeks now and here is what we have come up with so far.
1. We need to figure out what game engine to use.
1. Dinksmall wood (Upside: free, many graphics included. Downside: lots of coding and images to replace)
2. RPG Toolkit (Upside: free, easy to use, Downside: Never used before and seams to only do 2d style games)
3. Platinum Arts Sandbox (Upside: free even for commercial games, lots of features. Downside: never used and looks more graphic intensive.
2. A story line, can't even start if we don't have a story or game goal.
3. Anyone who is involved will need to learn (More then likely on their own unless we figure something out) how everything works, and how to do everything needed to make the final game work
4. Lots of testing, the last game was rushed to the point of becoming screen upon screen of unplayable junk. Only 1 model was actually made and never used.
5. A schedule for making the game, from story board to design, to testing.
So if your interested let us know. It will probably be a while longer before we actually try to start coming up with ideas. Anyone who wants to help will more then likely need to be in Keokuk, have a computer and preferably and Internet connection. Oh and lots of free time!
April 25th 2010 Update:
After looking at all the options from above I have decided between two.
1. Platinum Sandbox, for its 3d engine with life like lighting and simple build tools.
2. Dink Smallwood Engine for its easy use and pre-existing examples.
I checked the RPG tool-kit and it seams to be limited to side scroll type games or overhead 2d games. Although creating a game in RPG toolkit would probably take less time. I think the 2d limitation would make it less fun to work with. Perhaps another game.
Platinum Sandbox is pretty robust. Although it does lack some things that will need to be created, such as new models, textures, and tons of scripts. However, this engine has the easiest map builder out of the others and many items are already built in. And unlike Dink shadows from lights are generated for you.
Dink smallwood was only an option because of its previous use. With that said it could be a great deal of work to create a unique game since all new models and textures would also need created.
Also with Platinum Sandbox we have the option of creating either 3d style side scrollers or first person / 3rd person view games.
Use the RPG Toolkit!! It has an awesome community and is extrmely simple!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the advice, so far messing around with platinum sandbox it seams very cool. Although lacking many things like weapons for an adult style game. I guess I'll check out RPG Toolkit further.
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