Friday, December 21, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
RPG toolkit
In a time long ago, two bored teens tried to create their own game...unsuccessfully of course.
I found yet another game designer called RPG Toolkit that lets you make those cheesy 2d games. Anyone interested in making one?
we'd need backgrounds, people, items, animations, scripts, and the whole mess that goes with making a game.....oh yeah and an actual story line. Not just page after page of "TREES"
Posted by
6:27 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
camo colors
I decided to change it agian.
because i am working on a survival website and maybe a book lol if i can stick with it.
site kind of paused for right now and alot of stuff that i need to change
Posted by
Glenn Clark
10:23 PM
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Pumpkin carving
So Jei and I carved a giant pumpkin. At least this year we actually got to do something for Halloween!!
Here are some pics of the pumpkin-ness!
Top off:
Jei's Carving:
My carving:
In case you aren't too sure what the hell mine is supposed to be here's a pic of the book cover by Stephenie Meyer.
Posted by
3:36 PM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
pumpkin template
this is the new pumpkin template so far tell i change it again.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
11:21 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Poor mans portable computer
Its been a while since I have written anything. And I have been keeping up with some websites and figured i'd write a post.
Most of the stuff you'll need can be found on
ok here we go.
What you'll need.
1. USB drive (1gig works for most 4gig if you want actual space / storage)
2. Portable apps to work with.
3. A friend running windows ME, XP, or heavens forbid VISTA (aka MEII)
First load the portable apps you want on your usb drive.
I'd recommend:
Firefox for secure surfing (no logs or history left behind)
OpenOffice (for creating documents, letters, webpages)
Pidgeon (for instant messaging)
Notepad++ (for editing simple text files when Openoffice would take to long to load)
Gimp (For doodles and image love making)
Mplayer and VLC (for movie love playing)
7-zip (for compressing and encrypting files)
Eraser (for wiping out those "sensitive" files.
SIW (not on portable but very usefull and free. Displays saved passwords and sys info)
This will get you the basic needs, you can always add more applications, at one point I had almost all the portable apps on a 1gig drive, but due to having to carry around work related stuff I took a lot of them off.
Now you can plug your drive into any newer computer and surf the web, chat, and be productive without actually using any of their software.
I would also recommend portableputty for those of you wanting to gain shell access to machines, and XAMPP for playing with a portable web-server.
On-screen keyboard can also be usefull. (Ever seen those computer kiosks with open usb ports but no keyboard?hmmmmmmm)
For those who want a true "portable" computer experience checkout it allows you to take your games, applications and OS with you anywhere.
Well thats all for now. have fun with the applications.
Posted by
12:02 PM
Thursday, August 9, 2007
i went over to heather house today

heather, adam and me we are not high the fucking flash was bright we were sitting out side on the dark porch so the flash seemd brighter the normal
Posted by
Glenn Clark
3:07 AM
i got to hang out with a old class mate that became a good friend
We hung out me and my son hunter her and her son. We sat around and talk and played with the kids alot. it was pretty fun. And so far we are becomeing good friends i thank or i hope lol.
She is very beautiful, caring, smart, funny and in no way is she like Leeann and she has a really great son.

Posted by
Glenn Clark
2:50 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
well i got to see him
Well i got to see him two differnt days. and every thing went fine with me seeing him she is finding some one else i am just sitting here be lonely and bored out of my mine
Posted by
Glenn Clark
2:39 PM
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
me and leeann is broke up
july 16
she said that she wanted to find some one else and she did not want to go out any more that is about all she said and i tryed to call her house and she wont answer the phone for 2 days now to day july 18 i called her mom and her moms bf got on the phone and said that i cant see hunter tell i pay child suport but i have not gotany papers telling me that i have to pay it or any thing like that.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
10:50 PM
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Spoiled Computer users = People I hate.
Even though this won't reach too many people I figured i'd vent a little about it anyways.
I have seen a lot of sub-pc/ notebook computer being released this year. These are basically low cost low power computers that are designed for basic computer use.
Although most are capable of performing just about any task you'd usually do, these machines have lower cpu power, smaller storage space and less memory than say your store bought pc.
I have seen soo many people complain because these machines don't come with windows vista, or XP, or run windows at all (linux). Or they don't have a cd-rom drive or huge hard drive.
People fail to see things for what they where built for, and for what they could be used for.
The link above is to the most recent articale I read and commented on.
Its not the latest and greatest machine, but it has more power then most of the computer customers bring in to my shop for repair, and those customers have been getting along just fine without a 3+ghz cpu, and a 256mb video card.
Uses for older / less powerfull machines:
Great computers for kids cheaper means less worry about them breaking
arcade machine, install mame and download some roms and play video games all day long
thin client, manage hundreds of computers from one location and give everyone fully loaded desktops without having to use a harddrive
clusters chain several older machines together and combine their power to perform large tasks such as 3d rendering, folding @ home, seti @ home etc
Web browser and email machine. Most people don't use their computer for any but this. Why waste a powerfull computer on it.
vnc client, administer every computer you have by installing vnc on them and using the sub pc to connect to the desktops
security auditing. install backtrack to flash drive, hard drive or cd drive and test your network security and wifi security with these lower power machines.
kiosk: take it apart or just slap it into a stand, attach a monitor and display company info, advertising, or usefull information for customers on your home built kiosk.
loaner machine. Give customers and family something to use while you fix their computer
the list can go on and on. People have gotten so spoiled by high priced over-powered computers now days is sickening. I don't know how many times I have told a customer that just because a new version of windows comes out does not mean you have to go out and spend the money for a new computer just to run it. ESPECIALLY YOU TARDS WHO ONLY USE E-BAY.
The ONLY reason you need a high-end pc is if you are a GAMER! nothing else. most mid range to low end pc's will run office software and other programs.
Also people need to learn about Open Source alternatives to these expensive M$ junk.
Use OpenOffice instead of M$ office
Gimp instead of photoshop
and again the list can go on.
Thats my 2 cents, and i'm not changing my mind.
Posted by
11:36 AM
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Posted by
Glenn Clark
8:54 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
color changed
I thank this color is better for right now.
I just don't thank the hole black goth looking color goes good with the pics of babes and people talking about babes. if some one can give me a better color template that you would like me to use just postt the colors on here or some thing i dont like the colors i have now but it is better then the black
o yeah jeff i finaly have fast inter net 100.0 mbps cable inter net at my moms it is like 30 dollars
and i want to copy some dvds to a computer of mine what is a good program that will copy them and then make them smaller like avi's or some thing like that even 2 program would be better then geting all these dam dvd imags things lol and do you have a server up or any thing like that.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
10:52 PM
Monday, June 18, 2007
I have been busy and kind of sad lately
Hunter still ain't pushing him self up with his arms or even starting to crawl. he will be 2 for he can walk since he has a chromosome disorder Tetrasomy 18 p so we have been taking many visits to Iowa city hospital thank good the visits have calmed down we have like 2 months be for we go to Iowa city again they are thanking about operating on his finger and trying to see if the can fix it. He can only straighten it out so much. and we all ready went up there to Iowa city to have his spine checked thank god it is fine. i would like to see the babys some time and you guys can meat Hunter Thomas Riley Clark in a couple of days he will be 8 months old.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
11:15 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
And then he smiled and everything was right in the world!!
Lately things have been a bit tough. I have really been getting down on myself a lot lately, thinking that I am doing a really horrible job as a mom. I mean, it's seriously the most important thing that you will do in your life.
Today I was holding Bastien and he spit up...big surprise. So I grabbed a spit rag and wiped his mouth off. He was wide awake after that so I started my usual thing, asking him what he was doing and saying hi in that high pitched "parentese" that every person on the face of the planet does to babies!
Next thing I know Bastien starts grinning and wrinkling his nose. I figure it's just gas, but I keep playing with him. He keeps grinning everytime I play with him a bit. Finally, he grins real big and giggles a tiny bit!! I couldn't believe it!! I was so happy I called Jei and then my sister and mom!! lol
Now we just have to work on Elora and we will have two smiling babies!!! YAY!
Posted by
7:11 PM
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Fences make bad friends
I have not wrote anything in a while so I figured i'd share my recent "accident".
We where all over at my moms for a cook-out (remember those glenn?) and Kat and I started rough housing - actually she was trying to spray me with soda. And I started running away.
I had the bright idea to try to jump over the fence. Something I have done several times before.
About half way through the jump I realize I jumped too soon and I was not going to make it. Just at that moment I felt my foot catch the fence, and next thing I know I hear a loud crack sound and i'm in pain...LOTS OF PAIN.
I grab my arm (broken 3 times) to make sure its ok. Good it is. Then I realize my shoulder hurts a lot and my arm does not move like it should. I go inside and lay down to try to calm myself down a bit, after a while everyone tells me I might have dis-located my shoulder.
I have no insurance so of course I did not go to the dr. instead I drove back home to quincy, sat on the couch with a heating pad, and figured as long as I can move my fingers and hand i'm fine.
I even helped a little with the babies, and now change diapers.
Two days later and my arm still can't move out to the side, but straight out in front works fine, so i figure another week or so and i'll be fine.
So just remember, the next time you want to do something, ask yourself.... Is this a good idea.
Posted by
12:59 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
jeff guss what the old beast runs lol

Posted by
Glenn Clark
11:49 PM
Friday, May 4, 2007
no body
no body has posted in a while i guess that we all have been busy in life or some thing i have. and i seached my computer and found some old pics of jeff and me and some art jeff and i did i will probaly put them up here when i get some time.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
3:56 AM
Sunday, April 1, 2007
more pics of hunter
He is licking me.
I guess because of the salt.

But I love him more then any thing else even his mommy.
Posted by
Glenn Clark
3:39 AM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Just in time for easter.
I got bored and made a few desktops. Heres one I made for easter that is available on Its not fancy by any means and only took me about an hour to make, but its got little tux babies and eggs so its cool.
Posted by
4:12 PM
Friday, March 9, 2007
Monday, March 5, 2007
Update on my "Paid Email" endeavors!
So anyone that reads this blog knows that I recently tried several "Paid Email" sites.
I am writing this now to let people know how it is going, so to speak.
Let's just say that I have time on my hands and not even I want to sit here and "read" emails all day long, just to make one penny. Literally, one penny!!
Oh sure, I've found one site that actually pays one cent per email or ad that you look at. I even continue using that site.
Let's face it, unless you stay at home ALL day long, everyday, this is definitely not for you.
Who honestly has the time to sit around staring at a computer screen 24/7? (Besides me, I mean) Anyone with a serious job, should stick with their job.
I am going to continue my "research" on "easy money" endeavors, though.
My next project is going to be setting up a blog and promoting it to make money, supposed you can "make money in your sleep"-direct quote from SOME website. *Shrug*
Who knows?!
I hope that these blog entries about "making money the EASY way" help those of you out there comtemplating using these methods!
My goal with all of this is to actually find a "FREE" way to make money at home. Meaning, you don't have to pay to join or buy some ridiculous "guide" to "get rich quick"!!
Considering, that I am going to be a mother of two, in about 2 months.... (My how time flies!)
I would love to find a way to make money from home, not only to benefit my family, have extra money, help pay bills, but also so I can effectively work AND take care of my children.
Just because we are women, we are not ment to stay at home! Many MOTHERS work these days. I, for one, would love to work. I, would also, love to be able to stay home with my children. I am just trying to find a way that actually let's myself and other mothers, feel that they are doing something useful, besides raising their wonderful families!!
BTW, if anyone wants to try the only "paid email" site that I actually use!
Here it is:
Posted by
9:28 AM
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
a shit loads of comics
Has tons of comics all kinds every one were sure find one that they like.
here is some of them.

Posted by
Glenn Clark
4:10 PM
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Free Geek Toy!!
Ok so your at home or on the road and you want to watch a movie, but you don't have a DVD player and your computer does not have DVD software on it...What do you do?
Or you have a spare computer with a dvd drive and its not fast enough to run anything worth wild.
Turn them into dvd players with GeexBox
Geexbox is about 8mb and will boot from a cd-rom (leaving the dvd-rom avialable for movies) or hard drive, usb drive, or compact flash drive.
This is geexbox starting up (I'm running it in Qemu so I don't have to reboot my pc)
This is the geexbox main menu. DVD movies play automatically when put in the dvd drive. yipeee.
Shortcut keys for dvd playback.
<-- arrow rewinds
--> arrow fast forwards
p pauses
q quits
up arrow fast forwards faster
down arrow rewinds faster.
It will also play media off your hard drive (if you have one installed).
Have fun!
Posted by
5:39 PM