Monday, November 30, 2009

New updato!

Howdy howdy! What's crack-a-lackin?! lol
Any-who, Jei and I moved to Keokuk and got married! W00t!
I have no friends here, but Trapper.
Jei works his butt off every weekday.
I sit at home with the children. They've gotten so big and mouthy! lol
Definitely typical two year olds!

Jei had been working on projects while not at work so he is a busy man!
I have decided to test the creative waters with a new endeavor that includes corsets! ^^ Squee!!!
I am going to attempt to make them! Bwahahahaahaaaaa!! then after that other crafty things! I am excited!

Hum-ho. That's about all folks!!


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